Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Kindergarten Opinion Writing

Hello Teachers!  I have missed writing to all of you and I am happy to report that I am back and ready to write to you - hopefully once a week.

I have been working with some amazing kindergarten teachers at Manhattan School for Children and PS 267.  We have been supporting our kindergarten students to write their opinions.  We invited them to make signs, songs, lists, songs, letters and more to help them "make things better."  Here is one of the charts that hung in a K classroom. 

We thought it was important to post some demo writing on the chart, right away, so kids could see examples of how to use the paper choices.  The teachers also posted large photos of things kids said they could "make better."  In one room there were large, 8x10 pics of a messy block area, a messy coat closet, and some stray food on the floor next to the garbage can (just to name a few).

The following day, we posted another chart to remind kids of the writing process.  We wanted to be sure they remembered that we plan, draw or sketch, and then write.  We helped kids say the words they wanted to write across their fingers, point to the place on the page where each word will go, and reread as they wrote. If you have a chart like the one below from other units, pull it out.  Remind kids that kindergarten writers usually rehearse or say what they want to write, draw, and then write the words.

Happy Writing!